A millionaires tax has helped other states tackle big problems. It helped Massachusetts provide free lunch for all its public ...
South Florida's Debbie Democrat Mucarsel-Powell best understands the cares and concerns of Floridians. Voters should dump ...
Nuclear arsenals are vastly more powerful today than during the Cold War — and the risk of apocalypse keeps growing ...
Geelong have survived a fourth-quarter AFLW challenge by Sydney to win by three points and keep their post-season aspirations ...
The deputy prime minister has urged Australians to come home from Lebanon as soon as possible, with two more flights set to ...
On international flights, business class is the option above economy class, and there's quite a difference. Since there are far fewer passengers in business class, you get much more attentive service ...
If you've ever found yourself tossing and turning while trying to fall asleep, you're not alone. Whether you wake up with night sweats, always feel hot, or get too cold and feel like you need a ...
日本維新の会で党員資格停止中の足立康史衆院議員(58)(大阪9区、当選4回)は6日、自身のX(旧ツイッター)に「9日の衆院解散をもって政治から引退する」と投稿し、次期衆院選への不出馬を表明した。足立氏は4月の衆院東京15区補欠選挙中、SNS上で党を批 ...
昭和41年、静岡県でみそ製造会社の専務ら一家4人が殺害された事件で、袴田巌さん(88)を無罪とした静岡地裁の再審判決への控訴期限が10日に迫っている。先月26日の判決は、捜査機関の「3つの捏造(ねつぞう)」を認定。検察内部からは反発の声が上がる一方、 ...
天皇皇后両陛下は6日、国スポの競技を観戦されたあと、鹿島市で「鹿島酒蔵ツーリズム」などについて説明を受けられました。 天皇皇后両陛下は6日午前、佐賀市で行われたバレーボール成年女子の試合を観戦されました。