The results reveal a lack of confidence in management, a poor culture, and overall low morale. Of those who responded to the ...
The BMA is calling on the Government to help bring an end to GP collective action by increasing the amount of funding ...
The BMA is also calling on the Government to confirm it will not use public money to support the GMC in its defence of the ...
The BMA is to financially back a legal challenge to the GMC over its failure to distinguish between doctors and PAs ...
Despite this statistic, we see in the 2023 NHS England Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) report that a mere 4.9% ...
PCSE (Primary Care Support England), also known as Capita, have been responsible for the delivery of NHS England's primary ...
Looking back now, it was a great experience, and a demonstration that change can happen, if you wish to pursue it. Being a ...
Commenting on today’s Investment in General Practice statistics Northern Ireland 2019-20 to 2023-24, Dr Ciaran Mullan, BMA NI ...
In my time as an advocate, one thing has become crystal clear – every trust needs an appointment in this role. SAS doctors ...
Message to members from Professor David Strain – next steps for the BMA’s evaluation of the Cass Review The Cass Review of ...
This year’s Black History Month theme is ‘reclaiming narratives’, and medicine has a lot of stories to tell The contributions ...
This report sets out how AI is being used in healthcare currently, how it could be used in the near future, and examines both ...